GCC 8.3, transision to Python 3 and bunch of new packages (hyperlink marked).
- alaya 2.3-2019.10.29-1,
- aria2 1.35.0-2,
- aspell 0.60.8-1,
- asterisk16 16.6.1-3,
- atop 2.5.0-1,
- bind 9.14.8-1,
- bindfs 1.14.2-1,
- bird1 1.6.8-1,
- bird2 2.0.7-1,
- bluez 5.51-1,
- bochs 2.6.11-1,
- boost 1.72.0-1,
- brlaser 6-1,
- btrfs-progs 5.4-1,
- busybox 1.31.1-1,
- ca-bundle 20190110-2,
- ca-certificates 20190110-2,
- castget 2.0.1-1,
- certtool,
- chat 2.4.8-1,
- cjdns v20.4-3,
- clamav 0.101.4-1,
- cmake 3.16.2,
- collectd 5.10.0-3,
- cpio 2.13-1,
- ctags 0.0.0-1,
- cups-filters 1.26.1-1,
- curl 7.67.0-2,
- debootstrap 1.0.115~bpo10+1-1,
- deluge 2.0.3-1a,
- dialog 1.3-20191210-1,
- dnscrypt-proxy2 2.0.36-1,
- duktape 2.5.0-1,
- dump1090 3.7.2-1,
- duo_unix 1.11.3-1,
- e2fsprogs 1.45.4-1,
- emailrelay 2.1-1,
- ethtool 5.3-1,
- fatrace 0.15-1,
- fetchmail 6.4.1-1,
- ffmpeg 3.4.7-1,
- findutils 4.7.0-1,
- fio 3.16-1,
- freshclam 0.101.4-1,
- gawk 5.0.1-1,
- gdb 8.3.1-1,
- ghostscript 9.50-1,
- git 2.24.1-1,
- gnuplot 5.2.8-1,
- gnutls-utils,
- go 1.12.14-1,
- google-authenticator-libpam 1.07-1,
- gpioctl-sysfs 0.0.7-1,
- haproxy 2.0.12-1,
- haveged 1.9.8-2,
- hplip-full 3.19.12-1,
- https_dns_proxy 2018-04-23-3 was replaced by https-dns-proxy 2019-12-03-2,
- i2pd 2.28.0-1,
- icu 65.1-2,
- imapfilter 2.6.16-1,
- io 4,
- ipset 7.4-1,
- iputils 20190709-1,
- ipv6calc 2.2.0-1,
- jdupes 1.14.0-1,
- jhead 3.04-1,
- jshn 2019-12-28-cd75136b-1,
- lcd4linux-full 2019-07-19-0b83bb3a-2,
- libatomic 8.3.0-9,
- libevent2 2.1.11-2,
- libexpat 2.2.9-1,
- libgcc 8.3.0-9,
- libgnutls,
- libmatroska 1.5.2-1,
- libmbedtls 2.16.3-1,
- libmicrohttpd-ssl 0.9.69-1,
- libminiupnpc 2.1.20190824-1,
- libnettle 3.5.1-2,
- libnghttp2 1.40.0-1,
- libnl 3.5.0-1,
- libopenssl 1.1.1d-2,
- libout123 1.25.13-1,
- libpcre2 10.34-1,
- libsoup 2.68.2-2,
- libtasn1 4.15.0-2,
- live555mediaserver 2019.12.30-1,
- lm-sensors 3.6.0-1,
- lua 5.1.5-7,
- luajit 2.1.0-beta3-2,
- luasec 0.8.2-1,
- mako 1.1.0-1 was replaced by python3-mako 1.1.0-1,
- man-db 2.9.0-1,
- man-pages 5.04-1,
- mariadb 10.4.10-1,
- mariadb-common 1.0-1,
- megacmd 1.1.0-1,
- meganz-sdk 3.6.6-1,
- mercurial 5.2-1,
- mg 6.6-1,
- miniupnpc 2.1.20190824-1,
- mkvtoolnix 42.0.0-1,
- moreutils 0.63-1,
- mosquitto 1.6.8-1,
- motion 4.2.2-2,
- movgrab 3.1.2-1,
- mpc 0.32-1,
- mpd 0.21.16-1,
- mpg123 1.25.13-1,
- msmtp 1.8.6-1,
- mtr 0.93-1,
- multitail 6.5.0-1,
- mutt 1.12.2-1,
- nano 4.7-1,
- ncdu 1.14.1-1,
- ndisc6 1.0.4-1,
- netdata 1.19.0-1,
- nethack 3.6.4-1,
- nginx-extras 1.17.7-1,
- nginx 1.17.5-2,
- nmon 16m-1,
- openconnect 8.05-1,
- openrtsp 2019.12.30-1,
- openssh 8.1p1-1,
- openvpn 2.4.8-1,
- opkg 2019-06-14-dcbc142e-2,
- oscam 1.20-r11572-1,
- pam_duo 1.11.3-1,
- parted 3.3-1,
- php7 7.4.1-2,
- pixelserv-tls 2.3.1-1,
- playsip 2019.12.30-1,
- poppler-utils 0.84.0-1,
- ppp 2.4.8-1,
- prosody 0.11.3-1,
- protobuf 3.8.0-5,
- ps3netsrv 20190924-1,
- psmisc 23.3-1,
- python-asn1crypto 1.2.0-1,
- python-attrs 19.3.0-1,
- python-automat 0.8.0-1,
- python-certifi 2019.9.11-1,
- python-cffi 1.13.2-1,
- python-characteristic 14.3.0-1 was deleted,
- python-cryptography 2.8-1,
- python-dateutil 2.8.1-1,
- python-django 1.11.24-1 was replaced by python-django1 1.11.26-1,
- python-gevent 1.4.0-1,
- python-greenlet 0.4.15-1,
- python-gunicorn 19.9.0-2,
- python-ipaddress 1.0.23-1,
- python-lxml 4.4.2-1,
- python-mysqlclient 1.4.6-1,
- python-pillow 6.2.1-1,
- python-pip 19.2.3-1,
- python-psutil 5.6.7-1,
- python-pyasn1-modules 0.2.7-1,
- python-pyasn1 0.4.8-1,
- python-pyopenssl 19.1.0-1,
- python-pytz 2019.3-1,
- python-regex 2020.1.7-1,
- python-requests-oauthlib 1.3.0-1,
- python-setuptools 41.2.0-1,
- python-simplejson 3.17.0-1,
- python-six 1.13.0-1,
- python-twisted 19.10.0-1,
- python-urllib3 1.25.7-1,
- python-werkzeug 0.16.0-1,
- python-zope-interface 4.7.1-1,
- python3-asn1crypto 1.2.0-1,
- python3-automat 0.8.0-1,
- python3-borgbackup 1.1.10-1,
- python3-certifi 2019.9.11-1,
- python3-cffi 1.13.2-1,
- [python3-constantly 15.1.0-1](,
- python3-cryptodome 3.9.0-1,
- python3-cryptography 2.8-1,
- python3-gevent 1.4.0-1,
- python3-greenlet 0.4.15-1,
- python3-hyperlink 19.0.0-1,
- python3-incremental 17.5.0-1,
- python3-lxml 4.4.2-1,
- python3-markupsafe 1.1.1-2,
- python3-mysqlclient 1.4.6-1,
- python3-pillow 6.2.1-1,
- python3-pip 19.2.3-1,
- python3-pkg-resources 41.2.0-1,
- python3-psutil 5.6.7-1,
- python3-pyasn1 0.4.8-1,
- python3-pyopenssl 19.1.0-1,
- python3-pyparsing 2.4.2-1,
- python3-pyxdg 0.26-1,
- python3-regex 2020.1.7-1,
- python3-rencode 1.0.6-1,
- python3-service-identity 18.1.0-1,
- python3-setproctitle 1.1.10-1,
- python3-setuptools 41.2.0-1,
- python3-six 1.13.0-1,
- python3-twisted 19.10.0-1,
- python3-urllib3 1.25.7-1,
- python3-uvloop 0.14.0-1,
- python3-zope-interface 4.7.1-1,
- python3 3.8.1-1a,
- python 2.7.17-1,
- pyxdg 0.26-1 was deleted,
- qbittorrent,
- qpdf 9.1.0-1,
- qt5 5.14.0-1,
- rar2fs 1.28.0-1,
- rblibtorrent 1.1.14-1,
- rclone 1.50.2-1,
- rdisc6 1.0.4-1,
- redis 5.0.6-1,
- remind 03.02.00-1,
- rsnapshot 1.4.3-1,
- rtorrent-easy-install 0.2-4,
- rtpproxy 2019-10-02-aa1f179e-2,
- samba4 4.11.4-2,
- sane-backends 1.0.28-1,
- sane-frontends 1.0.28-1,
- screen 4.7.0-1,
- shadowsocks 3.3.3-1,
- shairport 3.3.5-1,
- sipgrep 2019-06-27-1cc00079-1,
- sispmctl 4.2-2,
- smartdns 1.2020.28-1,
- sngrep 2019-12-02-564ad926-1,
- snort 2.9.15-1,
- softethervpn5 5.01.9672-1,
- sqlite3-cli 3300100-1,
- strace 5.4-1,
- stunnel 5.56-1,
- subversion 1.13.0-1,
- sudo 1.8.28p1-1,
- syncthing 1.3.2-1,
- syslog-ng 3.25.1-1,
- tcpdump 4.9.3-1,
- tcpspray6 1.0.4-1,
- tcptraceroute6 1.0.4-1,
- tiff-utils 4.1.0-1,
- tinycdb 0.78-2,
- tinyproxy 1.10.0-1,
- tmux 3.0a-1,
- tor,
- ttyd 1.5.2-3,
- unbound 1.9.6-1,
- unrar 5.8.4-1,
- urbackup-server 2.4.12-1,
- view1090 3.7.2-1,
- vim 8.1-5,
- vobstreamer 2019.12.30-1,
- vpnc-scripts 20151220-2,
- weechat 2.7-1,
- whois 5.5.4-1,
- wireguard-tools 1.0.20191226-1,
- wireshark 3.2.0-1,
- wsdd2 2019-12-15-8bcc0c1a-1,
- xl2tpd 1.3.15-3,
- xpdf 4.02-1,
- youtube-dl 2019.12.25-1,
- zabbix 4.0.16-2,
- zbar 0.23-1,
- znc 1.7.5-1.