- accel-ppp 1.11.2-20181026-1,
- aircrack-ng 1.4-1,
- alsa 1.1.7-1,
- apache 2.4.37-2,
- at 3.1.23-1,
- automake 1.15.1-1,
- bacula 9.2.2-1,
- bandwidthd-sqlite 2.0.1-35-2,
- bind 9.11.5-2,
- bindfs 1.13.10-1,
- boost 1.68.0-4,
- ccid 1.4.30-1,
- certtool 3.5.19-1,
- cgit 1.2.1-2,
- chat 2.4.7-14,
- chromaprint 1.4.3-1,
- cmake 3.12.4,
- collectd 5.8.1-2,
- comgt 0.32-31,
- coreutils 8.30-1,
- cryptsetup 2.0.5-1,
- cups 2.2.9-1,
- curl 7.62.0-1,
- daemontools-encore 1.11-1,
- darkstat 3.0.719-4,
- dialog 1.3-20181107-1,
- digitemp 3.7.2-1,
- django-constance 2.3.1-1,
- django-picklefield 1.1.0-1,
- django-postoffice 3.1.0-1,
- django-restframework 3.9.0-1,
- django-statici18n 1.8.2-1,
- django 1.11.16-1,
- dnscrypt-proxy2 2.0.19-1,
- dnsmasq-full 2.80-1,
- drill 1.7.0-3,
- dropbear 2017.75-8,
- duo_unix 1.11.1-1,
- erlang-asn1 5.0.6,
- erlang-compiler 7.2,
- erlang-crypto 4.3,
- erlang-erl-interface 3.9.3,
- erlang-hipe 3.18,
- erlang-inets 7.0,
- erlang-mnesia 4.15.4,
- erlang-os_mon 2.4.5,
- erlang-public-key 1.6,
- erlang-reltool 0.7.6,
- erlang-runtime-tools 1.13,
- erlang-snmp 5.2.11,
- erlang-ssh 4.7,
- erlang-ssl 9.0,
- erlang-syntax-tools 2.1.5,
- erlang-tools 3.0,
- erlang-xmerl 1.3.17,
- erlang 21.0-1,
- esniper 2.35.0-1,
- ethtool 4.19-1,
- exfat-fuse 1.3.0-1,
- fdupes 1.6.1-1 was replaced by jdupes 1.11.1-1,
- ffmpeg 3.2.12-5,
- file 5.35-1,
- flup 1.0.3-1,
- fping 4.1-1,
- fwknop 2.6.10-1,
- gdb 8.2-1,
- getdns 1.4.2-2,
- git 2.19.2-2,
- glib2 2.58.1-2,
- gnuplot 5.2.5-1,
- gnutls-utils 3.5.19-1,
- go 1.11.2-1,
- goaccess 1.3-1,
- gunicorn 19.9.0-1,
- haveged 1.9.4-1,
- hdparm 9.58-1,
- hplip 3.18.4-1 now is a part of OpenWrt feed,
- https_dns_proxy 2018-04-23-3,
- i2c-tools 4.0-1,
- i2pd 2.22.0-1,
- icecast 2.4.4-1,
- icu 63.1-1,
- imapfilter 2.6.12-1,
- incron 0.5.12-1,
- iperf 2.0.12-3,
- ipset 6.38-1,
- ipv6calc 1.1.0-1,
- isc-dhcp 4.4.1-3,
- jdcal 1.4-1,
- jhead 3.02-1,
- jpeg-tools 9c-1,
- jq 1.6-1,
- krb5-libs 1.16.2-1,
- lcd4linux-full r1204-1,
- less 530-1,
- lftp 4.8.4-1,
- libgcrypt 1.8.4-1,
- libgnutls 3.5.19-1,
- libgpgme 1.12.0-1,
- libhavege 1.9.4-1,
- libmbedtls 2.13.0-1,
- libneon 0.30.2-3,
- libnetsnmp 5.8-1,
- libpam 1.3.0-1,
- libpng 1.6.35-1,
- libqrencode 4.0.2-1,
- libtiff 4.0.10-1,
- libunrar 5.6.8-1,
- libupnp 1.6.25-1,
- libuv 1.23.2-1,
- libv4l 1.14.2-1,
- libwebsockets 3.0.1-2,
- libwolfssl 3.15.3-stable-1,
- libx264 snapshot-20181006-2245-1,
- lighttpd 1.4.49-3,
- loggedfs 0.9-1,
- loudmouth 1.5.3-2,
- lvm2 2.03.01-1,
- mariadb 10.2.19-2,
- mc 4.8.21-4,
- mediainfo 18.12-1,
- meganz-sdk 3.4.4-1,
- mercurial 4.8.1-1,
- minidlna 1.2.1-4,
- miniupnpc 2.1-1,
- mkvtoolnix 29.0.0-1,
- monit 5.25.2-2,
- mosquitto-ssl 1.5.4-3,
- motion 4.2-1,
- mtr 0.92-4,
- mutt 1.10.1-1,
- nail 12.5-4,
- nano 3.2-1,
- netdata 1.11.0-1,
- nfs-kernel-server 2.3.3-2,
- nginx-extras 1.14.2-1,
- nginx 1.15.6-1,
- ngrok-c 1.45-20180507-1,
- node v8.12.0-1,
- nut 2.7.4-9,
- oniguruma 6.9.1-1,
- openldap 2.4.46-2,
- openpyxl 2.5.9-1,
- openrtsp 2018.11.26-1,
- openssh 7.9p1-2,
- openssl-util 1.0.2p-1a,
- openswan 2.6.51-1,
- openvpn 2.4.6-2,
- opus-tools 0.2-1,
- oscam 1.20-r11440-1,
- pam_duo 1.11.1-1,
- patch 2.7.6-3,
- pcap_dnsproxy,
- perl 5.28.1-1,
- pgsql 9.6.11-1,
- php7-mod-bcmath 7.2.12-1,
- php7 7.2.12-1,
- picocom 3.1-2,
- pillow 5.3.0-1,
- pixelserv-tls 2.2.0-1,
- playsip 2018.11.26-1,
- poppler-utils 0.72.0-1,
- postfix 3.3.1-2,
- ppp 2.4.7-14,
- procps-ng 3.3.15-1,
- progress 0.14-1,
- psmisc 23.2-1,
- python-attrs 18.2.0-1,
- python-certifi 2018.10.15-1,
- python-crypto 2.6.1-3,
- python-cryptography 2.4.2-1,
- python-cups 1.9.74-1,
- python-dateutil 2.7.5-1,
- python-lxml 4.2.5-1,2,
- python-mysql 1.3.13-1,
- python-psutil 5.4.8-1,
- python-pyasn1-modules 0.2.2-1,
- python-pycparser 2.19-1,
- python-regex 2018.11.22-1,
- python-requests 2.20.1-1,
- python-smbus 4.0-1,
- python-urllib3 1.24.1-1,
- python 2.7.15-2,
- python-zope-interface 4.6.0-1,
- python3-cryptography 2.4.2-1,
- python3-pycparser 2.19-1,
- python3-requests 2.21.0-1,
- python 2.7.15-2,
- pytz 2018.7-2,
- qrencode 4.0.2-1,
- rar2fs 1.27.1-1,
- rclone 1.45-1,
- rcssmin 1.0.6-2,
- redis 5.0.3-1,
- remind 03.01.16-1,
- rng-tools 6.6-1,
- rtl-sdr 0.6.0-1,
- rtpproxy 2.1.0-20170914-4,
- ruby 2.5.3-1,
- samba4 4.9.2-1 now is a part of OpenWrt,
- sbc 1.4-1,
- seafile 6.3.4-1,
- shadowsocks 3.2.3-1,
- shairport-sync 3.2.2-1,
- shell2http 2018-12-09-1,
- shell2http_nohf 2018-12-09-1,
- shine 3.1.1-1,
- simplejson 3.16.0-1,
- sispmctl 4.1-1,
- snmpd 5.8-1,
- snmptrapd 5.8-1,
- socat,
- sockd 1.4.1-2,
- socksify 1.4.1-2,
- sqlite3-cli 3250300-1,
- squid 4.4-1 now is a part of OpenWrt,
- strace 4.25-1,
- strongswan 5.7.1-1,
- stubby 0.2.3-3,
- stunnel 5.49-1,
- sudo 1.8.26-1,
- suricata 4.1.1-1,
- syncthing 0.14.54-1,
- syslog-ng 3.17.2-2,
- sysstat 12.0.2-1,
- tdb 1.3.16-2,
- tesseract 4.0.0-1,
- tiff-utils 4.0.10-1,
- time 1.9-1,
- tinc 1.1pre17-1,
- tmux 2.8-1,
- tor,
- transmission-cfp 2.77plus-20181219-1,
- tree 1.8.0-1,
- tty-solitaire 1.1.1-1,
- ttyd 1.4.2-1,
- twisted 18.9.0-1,
- ulogd 2.0.7-1a,
- unbound 1.8.1-3,
- unixodbc 2.3.7-1,
- unrar 5.6.8-1,
- upx 3.95-1,
- uqmi 2016-12-19-8ceeab69-5,
- urbackup-server 2.3.7-1,
- usbip 1.1.1-10a,
- uw-imap 2007f-3,
- v4l-utils 1.14.2-1,
- valgrind 3.14.0-1,
- vim 8.1-1,
- vobstreamer 2018.11.26-1,
- weechat 2.3-1,
- wget 1.20-1a,
- whois 5.4.0-1,
- wsdd2 2018-07-24-2c31ba3b-3,
- xmlrpc-c 1.43.08-1,
- xupnpd 2018-09-24-1,
- xxd 8.1-1,
- zabbix 3.4.14-6,
- zerotier 1.2.12-2,
- znc 1.7.1-3,
- zoneinfo 2018g-1,
- zsh 5.6.2-1.