Entware-ng-3x and Entware-ng are merged into Entware
Entware-ng-3x and Entware-ng decided to join forces and merge the two projects into a new project called Entware. As a result the two projects Entware-ng-3x and Entware-ng will not be maintained anymore. All software and resources will be available at the new project webpage, including the documentation wiki.
- acl 20180121-1,
- aircrack-ng 1.2-rc1-1,
- alaya 2.1-2017.11.03-1,
- angband 4.1.2-1,
- arptables 2015-05-20-f4ab8f63-1,
- asciinema 2.0.0-1,
- atop 2.3.0-1a,
- bcg729 1.0.4-1,
- bfgminer 5.5.0-1,
- bind 9.11.2-P1-1,
- bluez3 was replaced by bluez 5.47-1,
- bmon 4.0-1,
- boost 1.66.0-1,
- busybox 1.27.2-3b,
- cmake 3.8.1,
- collectd 5.8.0-2,
- cryfs 0.9.9-2,
- cups-filters 1.20.0-1,
- curl 7.58.0-1,
- cvs 1.11.23-1,
- debootstrap 1.0.93-1,
- deluge-ui-web 1.3.15-2,
- deluge 1.3.15-2,
- dialog 1.3-20171209-1,
- diffutils 3.6-1,
- django-statici18n 1.6.1-1,
- dnscrypt-proxy-resolvers 1.9.5+git-20171001-2d43be3-8,
- dnscrypt-proxy 1.9.5-8,
- dnsmasq-full 2.78-10,
- dropbox-uploader 1.0-2018.01.22-1,
- dump1090 2017-06-01-1,
- ebtables 2017-10-24-6a826591-1,
- eggdrop 1.8.3-1,
- exfat-fuse 1.2.8-1,
- fatrace 0.12-1,
- fdisk 2.30.2-2,
- fish 2.7.1-1,
- flite 2.1-release-1,
- fstrim 2.30.2-2,
- gcc 6.3.0-1b,
- gconv-modules 2.27-8,
- git 2.16.1-2,
- glib2 2.55.1-1,
- grive2 0.5.1-20171121-2,
- groff 1.22.3-1,
- gutenprint 5.2.13-1,
- haproxy 1.5.18-04a,
- hdparm 9.52-1a,
- hostip 1.9.5-8,
- https_dns_proxy 2018-01-24-1,
- i2pd 2.18.0-1,
- ifenslave 2.6.22-1 was deleted,
- imagemagick 7.0.7-1,
- inadyn 2.3-1,
- inotify-tools 3.20.1-1,
- ipset4 4.5-1 was relplaced by ipset 6.34-1,
- irssi 1.0.6-1,
- jshn 2018-02-08-bb0c830b-1,
- kadnode 2.1.0-1,
- kexec 2.0.16-1,
- kmod 20-1,
- ldd 2.27-8,
- lftp 4.8.3-1,
- libc 2.27-8,
- libcurl 7.58.0-1,
- libgcrypt 1.6.6-2,
- libmad 0.15.1b-4,
- libmpg123 1.25.8-1,
- libncurses 6.1-1,
- libncursesw 6.1-1,
- libnl 3.3.0-1,
- libopenssl 1.0.2n-1b,
- libv4l 1.10.0-1,
- libvorbis 1.3.5-2,
- libx264 snapshot-20170623-2245-stable-1,
- lvm2 2.02.177-1,
- lynx 2.8.9dev.16-1,
- man 2.8.1-1,
- mediainfo 17.12-1,
- mediatomb 0.12.1-20140713-2,
- meganz-sdk 3.3.1-1,
- mercurial 4.5-1,
- minicom 2.7.1-1,
- mjpg-streamer r182-10,
- mkvtoolnix 20.0.0-1,
- mpd 0.20.9-2a,
- mpg123 1.25.8-1,
- mutt 1.9.3-1,
- nano 2.9.3-1,
- ncurses-bin 6.1-1,
- netdata 1.9.0-1,
- nfs-kernel-server 2.3.1-1,
- nginx 1.12.2-1,
- node v6.11.2-4,
- ntpd 4.2.8p10-4,
- nut 2.7.4-4c,
- ocserv 0.11.10-1,
- openrtsp 2018.02.18-1,
- openssl-util 1.0.2n-1b,
- opkg 2011-04-08-9c97d5ec-17b,
- oscam-emu 2015-12-12-11142-2,
- oscam 1.20-r11399-1,
- pagekite,
- pciutils 3.5.6-1,
- pcscd 1.8.23-1,
- perl-dev 5.26.1-3,
- perl-image-exiftool 10.79-1,
- perl 5.26.1-3,
- pgsql-server 9.6.6-1,
- php7 7.2.2-1,
- pigz 2.4-1,
- pixelserv-tls 2.0.1-1,
- playsip 2018.02.18-1,
- postfix 3.2.4-1a,
- procps-ng 3.3.11-4,
- pulseaudio 11.1-2,
- pureftpd 1.0.47-1a,
- pwnat 0.3-20161018-1,
- python-attrs 17.4.0-2,
- python-automat 0.6.0-1,
- python-cffi 1.11.4-1,
- python-constantly 15.1.0-1,
- python-crypto 2.6.1-2,
- python-cryptography 2.1.4-2,
- python-enum34 1.1.6-3,
- python-greenlet 0.4.13-1,
- python-hyperlink 17.3.1-1,
- python-idna 2.6-2,
- python-incremental 17.5.0-1,
- python-ipaddress 1.0.19-2,
- python-ply 3.10-2,
- python-pyasn1-modules 0.2.1-2,
- python-pyasn1 0.4.2-2,
- python-pycparser 2.18-2,
- python-pyopenssl 17.5.0-2,
- python-regex 2018.02.08-1,
- python-service-identity 17.0.0-2,
- python-six 1.11.0-2,
- python-xml 2.7.14-10a,
- python3-cffi 1.11.4-1,
- python3-cryptography 2.1.4-2,
- python3-ply 3.10-2,
- python3-pyasn1 0.4.2-2,
- python3-pycparser 2.18-2,
- python3-pyopenssl 17.5.0-2,
- python3-six 1.11.0-2,
- python 2.7.14-10a,
- pyxdg 0.26-1,
- qpdf 7.1.1-1,
- rblibtorrent 1.1.6-1,
- rclone 1.39-1,
- redis 4.0.8-1,
- rsync 3.1.3-1,
- rtorrent-easy-install 0.2-3a,
- ruby 2.5.0-1,
- samba4x 4.7.3-1,
- shadowsocks-libev 3.1.3-2,
- sipgrep 2.2.1-20160621-1,
- smcroute 2.0.0-2,
- smstools3 3.1.21-1a,
- sngrep 1.4.5-1,
- sqlite3-cli 3210000-2,
- squid-4x 4.0.23-1,
- sslh v1.19b-1,
- strace 4.20-1,
- strongswan 5.6.1-2,
- stubby 0.2.1-1,
- stunnel 5.44-4,
- syncthing 0.14.44-1,
- tar 1.30-1,
- tdb 1.3.15-1,
- terminfo 6.1-1,
- tiff-utils 4.0.9-1,
- tor,
- transmission-cfp 2.77plus-20180127-1,
- transmission 2.93-4,
- ttyd 1.3.3+git-04d5bc-1b,
- twisted 17.9.0-1,
- unbound 1.6.8-1,
- uqmi 2016-12-19-8ceeab69-2,
- usbip_legacy-client 0.1.7-2 was replaced by usbip 1.1.1-9,
- usbrelay 20180128-1,
- uvcdynctrl 0.2.4,
- v4l-utils 1.10.0-1,
- view1090 2017-06-01-1,
- vobstreamer 2018.02.18-1,
- vpnc 0.5.3.r550-6,
- whois 5.3.0-1,
- wview 5.21.7,
- xsltproc 1.1.32-1,
- xtables-addons_legacy 1.47.1-1,
- xupnpd 2017-10-31-1,
- zerotier 1.2.4-3,
- zlib 1.2.11-2,
- zoneinfo 2018c-1 was replaced by
- zope-interface 4.3.2-1 was replaced by python-zope-interface 4.4.3-2.