libjpeg was replaced by libjpeg-turbo fork. Entware installation scripts now embedded into asuswrt-merlin and Padavan’s RT-N56U firmwares. According to last year statistics, there is one new Entware installation by every hour.
- accel-ppp 1.7.3,
- adsuck 2.5.0-1,
- amule 2.3.1,
- cadaver 0.23.3,
- crawl 0.11.2,
- cups 1.5.4, seriously changes, testing needed,
- ffmpeg 0.8.12,
- freeswitch 1.3.13b,
- geeknote last rev,
- htop 1.0.2,
- i2c-tools 3.1.0,
- inadyn last rev,
- joe 3.7,
- libusb 0.1 replaced by libusb-compat wrapper, whic is using libusb 1.0,
- mc 4.8.6,
- microdc2 last rev,
- mp709 last rev,
- movgrab 1.1.15,
- mysql-server 5.1.66,
- nfs-kernel-server 1.2.7,
- nginx 1.2.6,
- nload 0.7.4,
- nut 2.6.5, drivers is placed to separate packages,
- nyancat last rev,
- openvpn 2.3.0 with three variants: openssl, polarssl and nossl,
- php5 5.4.5,
- polarssl 1.2.4,
- python-cloudprint last rev,
- python-smbus 3.1.0,
- rutorrent last rev,
- samba36 3.6.11,
- shairport last rev,
- spdylay last rev,
- strongswan 5.0.1,
- transmission 2.76,
- xupnpd ревизии r375,
- ziproxy 3.3.0,
- znc 1.0,
- zsh 5.0.2.